
Type in your favorite recipe. Add some keywords to the label at the end of your post so we can find it while searching. Use these popular categories: breakfast, lunch, dinner, breads, crockpot, beverages, soup, salad, dessert, appetizer, snack, fun. If you have a picture, add it, if not, no biggie!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Poor man's fluffy rice & chicken

I was craving rice tonight and came up with this little gem.

2 cups rice - cook in rice cooker
1 can cream of mushroom soup + 1 soup can milk
1 can chicken chunks

Heat the soup and milk together - stir in drained chicken chunks.
Serve hot over rice.


A quick way to enjoy that taste we all love w/o all the waiting.


Melissa said...

It's about time someone else jumped in and started posting recipes!!

. said...

Yay! Sounds yummy!